Market Research Report Business Confidence in The Global Defense Buyer Industry in 2011-12 Industry

Summary This report is the result of an extensive survey drawn from Company’s exclusive panel of defense buyers. With a challenging year ahead, this report provides the reader with a definitive analysis of business confidence, and explores how opportunities and demand are set to change in 2011-12. Furthermore, this report not only grants access to the opinions and strategies of business decision makers , but also examines their actions surrounding business priorities. Scope ??? The report is based on primary survey research conducted by Company accessing its B2B panels comprised of senior purchase decision makers and leading supplier organizations ??? Opinions and forward looking statements on business confidence of over 50 industry executives are captured in our in-depth survey, of which 38% represent decision makers & Departmental Heads ??? Identifies supplier selection strategies and concerns ??? Tracks supplier performance and identifies areas of improvement in 2011-12 ??? Identifies top growth regions in order that companies can allocate their marketing activities and budgets effectively Reasons To Buy ??? Drive revenues by understanding future product investment areas and growth regions by leading industry players ??? Formulate effective sales & marketing strategies by identifying how budgets are changing and where spend will be directed to in the future ??? Better promote your business by aligning your capabilities and business practices with your customers’ changing needs ??? Secure stronger customer relationships by understanding the leading business concerns and changing strategies Table of Contents 1 Table of Contents 1.1 List of tables 1.2 List of figures 2 Introduction 2.1 About this report 2.2 Definitions 2.3 Methodology 2.3.1 Primary research 2.3.2 Secondary research For more information, please visit : Contact: Sanaa .91927282585 Tel. No. +912227453309 Email:jenniffer@ URL: