A Brief History of Radio Remote Control Technology

Remote control has been around the world during the last few decades. The first remote control technology was used in the military to run different military instruments. In the First World War, radio controlled boat was first used by the German Navy. Those wireless controllers were used to control bombs and other weapons. In the Second World War, the use of remote control was more advanced.

Once the war completed, the US scientists tried to make such wireless remote controllers that can be used for non-military purposes. It was the result of the scientist’s effort that in 1940, automatic garage door was invented that could be controlled by using remote control technology. The progress in wireless remote controllers were in a peak point and soon in 1950, the first remote control was used for household purposes. From that day till date, the remote control technology has experienced many stages of innovation and experimentation. As a result, today, the scientists have even succeeded to design wireless remote controllers for industrial purpose.

R.C. Goertz developed a mechanical manipulator in 1948 to aid in radioactive lab work. It could be considered as the first innovation of industrial remotes. After that the industrial remotes have experienced much more progress. The industrial wireless technology used in the engineering world, during these days, is much more advanced than the previous ones. They have so many functionality and mechanism in the system that offers the users much more flexibility and productivity.

The wireless remote controllers used today are mainly developed for gigantic machines. Actually in gigantic machines manual control is quite difficult. Using a radio remote control increases the productivity of the machine as well as it ensures the safety of the operator. These industrial wireless systems are developed with high power transmitter that can catch the tiniest of signals. In addition they are also included with frequency hopping technology to avoid the interference related problems. The frequency hopping technology allows the industrial wireless systems to provide interference free control. During any little signal loss the system shuts down the whole machine. This ensures the safety of the valuable machines.

Wireless remote controllers are used widely in different technological purposes. They are widely used in industrial petroleum sectors, truck refueling, bulk transport control, fuel deliver systems, process controls, and various other important sectors. Use of wireless controllers in these important sectors has made these tasks to be done properly and without applying much effort.

These industrial remotes are becoming fast popular nowadays because of its easy availability and usefulness. They are easy to handle and can be installed within a few minutes. Most of these devices fit with your current machines without affecting the current productivity of the machines. In addition you can increase your productivity and ensure safety of your industrial machines.

Most of these industrial wireless systems are controlled by using a simple 12/24Dc battery and the battery can be charged up. The charger is normally supplied by the manufacturers. Some manufacturers also provide other accessories with their wireless products. Warranty and free servicing are also available in some cases.

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